
European Civic Prize on Chronic Pain Collecting Good Practices Second Edition

Aperte le partecipazioni alla Seconda Edizione, 2018-2019, del “Premio Civico Europeo sulla raccolta delle Buone Pratiche per la Terapia del Dolore Cronico”

Il modulo (online) per la partecipazione e l’inserimento delle buone pratiche è disponibile a questo link: http://www.activecitizenship.net/bp/2018/form/new.php

Il premio è aperto a qualsiasi operatore sanitario: associazioni di pazienti, operatori sanitari, ospedali pubblici e privati, università, ecc.

Il progetto selezionato sarà considerato per un evento pubblico europeo durante il quale avverrà l’assegnazione dei premi. Un rappresentante di ciascuna delle voci selezionate sarà invitato a partecipare. Ciò favorirà la formazione di una rete di professionisti delle “buone pratiche”, in grado di condividere informazioni, consigli e aiuto reciproco.

Questo è il secondo di una serie di premi, promossi ogni due anni, che celebrano i progressi nel trattamento e nella gestione del dolore cronico.

La data di chiusura per la presentazione dei progetti è il 31 dicembre 2018.

Tra i componenti della giuria giudicatrice la dott.ssa Alba Malara, Responsabile scientifico di ANASTE e E.C.H.O. European Confederation of Care Home Organisations.

Di seguirto l’abstract dell’iniziativa:

Active Citizenship Network launch  the second edition of the bi- annual research-project at the European level “EU Civic Prize on Chronic Pain – Collection of good practices” with the aim to continue to  give evidence on existing good practices in several European countries in terms of struggle against pain.
In particular, this second edition allows us to give continuity to the successful collection of good practices in the struggle against pain started by ACN in 2015 and expanding the “agora” of operators of good practices on pain, encouraging the exchange of experiences among health professionals, healthcare providers, Institutions, civic associations and patient advocacy groups.

Aims of the project

Apply Now

tell us

The Application period has started!  You can now enter your good practice by completing an on-line form. LINK TO FORM HERE! The award is open to any healthcare stakeholder: patients’ associations, health professionals, private and public hospitals, universities, etc. 
Your project will be considered for a public European celebration when the prizes are awarded  and will represent the recognition of ongoing excellence.  A representative from each of the entries that have been short-listed will be invited to this event. This will foster the formation of a network of good practice practitioners, able to share information, advice and practical help with each other. This the second  of a series of prizes –awarded every two years – celebrating progress in the treatment and manage of chronic pain. 
Closing date for receiving your submission is 31 December 2018.

The types of good practice to be identified will be classified as follows:

  • Patients’ empowerment
  • Innovation
  • Clinical practices
  • Professional education


Good practices are actions whose very nature have a positive impact on the quality of services, the protection of citizens’ rights, the promotion of civic participation, and the enhancement of human resources. In particular, they are very successful initiatives aimed at improving the efficiency (cost) and the effectiveness (as a way to meet, in an appropriate manner, the needs and expectations of citizens) of the management and provision of services.

Read more  in the Guidelines 2018-2019

There will be 4 prizes – ideally this will be for one project in each category however if the quality of submissions does not permit this, these 4 prizes will be allocated by the jury to the 4 best  submissions
The winner will be offered the opportunity to share its project in a public meeting pain related
Publication in English in a suitable journal.

Help us to share the Prize on your web site!

For more information, please contact Daniela Quaggia: d.quaggia@activecitizenship.net

Other information:
“EU Civic Prize on Chronic Pain – Collection of good practices” – First Edition.
The Engagement of Cittadinanzattiva in the Fight against Useless Pain
Good practice: the policy of Cittadinanzattiva

Active Citizenship Network is responsible for the scientific design and contents of this Project, that shall be realized with the financial and non-financial support of


The Jury of the Prize is composed by the following project partners:

 echo efic  eha  Emnipre Spain 
 hope  Pain Alliance  sine dolore  uehp


link all’iniziativà: http://www.activecitizenship.net/patients-rights/projects/261-european-civic-prize-on-chronic-pain-collecting-good-practices-second-edition-2018-2019.html